Jang-Hee Yoo, Ph.D. Senior Advisor, KABFF

Dear Friends:
I am so delighted and honored to have this opportunity to convey my congratulatory
remarks to the inauguration ceremony of AKBFF.
In Korea, KABFF was formed in 2018 by a group of Korean businessmen who have had
close business relations with American partners. Most of them who did understand the
importance of the tie between the two countries wanted to strengthen the relationship
even further by sharing the growth potential of both in this 4th industrial revolution era.
I am absolutely delighted to learn that there are also American businessmen who share
the same values and concerns with KABFF. They also decided to form a forum to pursue
the same objectives. They even decided to name the forum similar to KABFF, as AKBFF.
I am sure both AKBFF and KABFF will work together in years to come and will try to find
ways and means to insure the business relationship between the two countries, eventually
spreading the harmonious theme to both sides of the Pacific. There will be many arenas to
cooperate with each other such as the following: running annual joint events, exchanging
innovative ideas, finding co-working partners, proposing good policies to both governments,
welcoming individual members when they visit either Korea or the U.S., to name only a few.
Congratulations and thank you again to those who worked so hard setting up and
developing this forum. God bless you and God bless the U.S. and Korea.
Thank you indeed.
Jang-Hee Yoo, Ph.D.
Senior Advisor, KABFF
Former Chairman, Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership